explains key word concepts -->
marble -
located in Manhattan and the Goya
Colossus message about living stone atomic buildings
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms ....
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms collect data/thoughts from
the 2-legged human data stream
that flows thru the lobby .....
thus over 20 / 30 years the building becomes
the accumulated knowledge of 1 million people;
in addition, the Carl Jung collective GROUP of
Woolworth nationwide department stores .....
is the basis for a the Carl Jung atomic collective
sub-consciousness GROUP MIND composed of
20 million customers in years 1910 thru 1950 .....
thus the accumulated thoughts, ideas, and experiences
are ROUTED to the Woolworth primary database site
.... the ROCK building SOFTWARE language equation
... ROC K
... ROC of thinK = region of convergence of thinKers
Consequently, the skyscraper building becomes
an intellectual life form in itself ,,,...
a Darwin species of atomic DATABASE life ....
a composite of stone/rock atoms
with English language
and people's accumulated thoughts, behaviors,
emotions, work and social experiences
Above ... stone / concrete gargoyle .....
Frank Woolworth, the building’s patron and namesake.
Frank Woolworth
Frank Wool worth
..rank Wo .......wo
Frank Two ....Two --> catch 22 book messages
Woolworth Building Lobby Gargoyle .....
and its I/O information path (Input and Output) ....
thus the building and its
living stone language DATABASE ....
gargoyle OUTPUT data route
--> gar + goyle ---> g area + goyle -->
-> grammar and gar (kinder.gar.ten)
--> information garden ROUTE
to goyle /doyle ...... (picture artist and word artist)
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Governor Doyle)
Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) -
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828)
is regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over the ...
The Colossus" Francisco de Goya
Above, Goya
...... an office building / brick apartment building /
atomic rock castle / stone church
... and its accumulated DATABASE
......as a vertical rock/ iron/ glass BUILDING .....
that collects human data and becomes .....
a Darwin life form within
Nature's vast existential expression system
and its variety of formats and
graphic/ pictorial languages, etc ....
The Colossus" Francisco de Goya
Francisco de Goya’s Dream of St. Joseph
( ...........code ..............D ream ..... implies
---> 500 page data ream
..........................d......ream --> spells --> dream
.... code Joseph --> Joe = Job order entry systems) ,
the oil painting stolen from a private home in Madrid.
Photo: via Art Bible
the oil painting stolen
the oil painting stolen
.. e oil painting stolen
..electron orbital painting message on
Nature's DATA TRANSFER systems
from a castle / office building (output data stream) .....
to an assigned (input device) human
representative / agent .......
who has serious communication problems
in year 2018.
P ink Flo yd -->
the yard ......
for Scotland Yard = 36 inch estimates of
All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste (ta = transactional analysis of flavors)
All you feel ( base 16 Hex'fe' = 254)
And all that you love
And all that you hate (phosphate molecule emotions)
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal (New Deal year 1932/1933)
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all… (allah .. an algebra subset of Tallahassee)

Sound pressure waves that carry data
Stone / rock WALL atoms ..... such as a bank lobby or
a limestone house ....
limestone atoms / electron layers collect data from
the human data containers within ....
human skin that radiates information data fields
that are received by the stone/limestone wall atoms
... the atoms absorb the data
also absorb harmonic sound wave DATA .....
the pressure waves of human talk
and music instruments
( using IBM BAL language
..... ver.BAL ..... Basic Assembler Language) .....
thus the sound pressure wave .....
data package (like a 95 mile an hour baseball)
HITS the marble/limestone atomic wall and
the data is injected into the atomic data storage system
End of the
Colossus message about living stone atomic buildings
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms ....
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms collect data/thoughts from
the 2-legged human data stream
that flows thru the lobby .....
thus over 20 / 30 years the building becomes
the accumulated knowledge of 1 million people;
in addition, the Carl Jung collective GROUP of
Woolworth nationwide department stores .....
is the basis for a the Carl Jung atomic collective
sub-consciousness GROUP MIND composed of
20 million customers in years 1910 thru 1950 .....
thus the accumulated thoughts, ideas, and experiences
are ROUTED to the Woolworth primary database site
.... the ROCK building SOFTWARE language equation
... ROC K
... ROC of thinK = region of convergence of thinKers
Consequently, the skyscraper building becomes
an intellectual life form in itself ,,,...
a Darwin species of atomic DATABASE life ....
a composite of stone/rock atoms
with English language
and people's accumulated thoughts, behaviors,
emotions, work and social experiences
Above ... stone / concrete gargoyle .....
Frank Woolworth, the building’s patron and namesake.
Frank Woolworth
Frank Wool worth
..rank Wo .......wo
Frank Two ....Two --> catch 22 book messages
Woolworth Building Lobby Gargoyle .....
and its I/O information path (Input and Output) ....
thus the building and its
living stone language DATABASE ....
gargoyle OUTPUT data route
--> gar + goyle ---> g area + goyle -->
-> grammar and gar (kinder.gar.ten)
--> information garden ROUTE
to goyle /doyle ...... (picture artist and word artist)
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Governor Doyle)
Francisco de Goya
.............code Goya
Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) -
Metropolitan Museum of Art (arteries of blood messages)
and blood arteries social economic secret languages
and financial systems
is regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over the ...
The Colossus" Francisco de Goya
Above, Goya
...... an office building / brick apartment building /
atomic rock castle / stone church
... and its accumulated DATABASE
......as a vertical rock/ iron/ glass BUILDING .....
that collects human data and becomes .....
a Darwin life form within
Nature's vast existential expression system
and its variety of formats and
graphic/ pictorial languages, etc ....
The Colossus" Francisco de Goya
Dream of St. Joseph
- Francisco de Goya y Lucientes
— Google Arts ...
The archangel Gabriel appears to Joseph. ...
Dream of St. Joseph. Francisco Goyac. 1772.
Museo de Zaragoza. From the collection of ...
Dream of St. Joseph. Francisco Goyac. 1772.
Museo de Zaragoza. From the collection of ...
( ...........code ..............D ream ..... implies
---> 500 page data ream
..........................d......ream --> spells --> dream
.... code Joseph --> Joe = Job order entry systems) ,
the oil painting stolen from a private home in Madrid.
Photo: via Art Bible
the oil painting stolen
the oil painting stolen
.. e oil painting stolen
..electron orbital painting message on
Nature's DATA TRANSFER systems
from a castle / office building (output data stream) .....
to an assigned (input device) human
representative / agent .......
who has serious communication problems
in year 2018.
Pink Floyd – Eclipse Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
https://genius.com › P › Pink Floyd
“Eclipse” is the tenth and final track from British progressive rock band Pink Floyd’s 1973 album, “The Dark Side of the Moon”. It is by Roger Waters, with harmonies by David Gilmour. ... In a 1987 interview with Karl Dallas in the book, Pink Floyd: Bricks in the Wall, the ...
Eclipse Lyrics - Pink Floyd Lyrics
Pink Floyd Lyrics
Pink Floyd Lyrics
P ink Flo yd -->
Printers (black) ink flow (data messages ...lyrics) by
the yard ......
for Scotland Yard intellectual prison
for Scotland Yard THOUGHT CONTROL via
for Scotland Yard = 36 inch estimates of
bra size ............................ chest mate to the male
brain in Great Britain
All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste (ta = transactional analysis of flavors)
All you feel ( base 16 Hex'fe' = 254)
And all that you love
And all that you hate (phosphate molecule emotions)
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal (New Deal year 1932/1933)
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all… (allah .. an algebra subset of Tallahassee)
Sound pressure waves that carry data
Stone / rock WALL atoms ..... such as a bank lobby or
a limestone house ....
limestone atoms / electron layers collect data from
the human data containers within ....
human skin that radiates information data fields
that are received by the stone/limestone wall atoms
... the atoms absorb the data
also absorb harmonic sound wave DATA .....
the pressure waves of human talk
and music instruments
( using IBM BAL language
..... ver.BAL ..... Basic Assembler Language) .....
thus the sound pressure wave .....
data package (like a 95 mile an hour baseball)
HITS the marble/limestone atomic wall and
the data is injected into the atomic data storage system
End of the
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