Monday, October 29, 2018

Marble 26 - surface area ATOMIC thought area


explains  key word concepts --> 

Marble 26 - 

surface area  ATOMIC  thought area 

Code word--> Stone--> stone/geology rock ....
of a bank marble lobby  ..... become living  stone (atoms)

...... that is ...
the bank or office building
 becomes a  LIFE form after a few years

VIA the process / method  .......

human data carriers / people .....

enter the marble lobby (of atomic mass & electrons)

and data is transferred FROM

the human data container to

the lobby walls  (via gravity field pulls data fields
per Einstein's field theory,

reflected light per Richard Snell's law from
 Little Rock Arkanas)

or the LOBBY marble /granite atoms of the FLOOR 

acts as a data entry keyboard  .. .human walking apply piezoelelectric  pressure to the floor atoms..thus data entry 

Sears Tower iron skyscraper ... Chicago 

Otis elevator iron rails in a skyscraper
 (vertical Euclidean geometry parallel )  

are perpendicular (90 degree angle) 
horizontal iron railroad tracks  

....... such as in Chicago and the

Illinois Central Buildings over the

railroad tracks

END of explanation


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