Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Marble 15 - marble lobby data collection


explains  key word concepts --> 

Marble 15 -

marble lobby data collection

A bank lobby of heavy marble /granite stone ....
heavy atom  mass has a strong gravity pull  .... thus
the marble atoms can pull gravity data field from
humans data carriers that walk thru the lobby 

the marble ROCK ...  ROC site  for  thinK

Feminist Anthropology -
An --> atomic number.....
an = anthropological Theories  of geology rocks - Department of ...


Along with Margaret Mead she is one of the most prominent female ....
that "hunter-gatherers possessed a communal political economy in which sisters, wives, ...

Chicago's La Salle Street |
Chicago Public Library
 ,,,, David Living Stone explains 

Mar 25, 2015 - Chicago is known as La Salle Street. For the financial world,
La Salle Street is a narrow urban canyon stretching the three blocks from Madison ...

( that  is ....  living  stone/rock office buildings on LaSalle Street)   possessed a communal political economy 

END of explanation


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